STARTS February 25, 2025
Winter 2025 Pickleball Switch League (Tuesdays) – Midway Park
Switch League - 6 games - 11 per night. Players compete individually for best overall score | 6:30PM - 10:30PM
General Information
Registration Ends |
February 14, 2025 |
Play Begins |
February 25, 2025 |
Part of Town |
Central Dallas |
Regular Registration Price |
Team* |
$ + 6.0% Processing Fee |
Individual* |
$125 + 6.0% Processing Fee |
Registration Period* |
Dec 07, 2024 - Jan 03, 2025 |
Early Registration Price |
Team* |
$ + 6.0% Processing Fee |
Individual* |
$105 + 6.0% Processing Fee |
Early Registration Period* |
Nov 05, 2024 - Dec 06, 2024 |
Late Registration Price |
Team* |
$ + 6.0% Processing Fee |
Individual* |
$145 + 6.0% Processing Fee |
Late Registration Period* |
Jan 04, 2025 - Feb 14, 2025 |
*Click “All Details” for Early Bird and Late registration periods and fees.
- This social league is open to players of all skill levels. Mostly comprised of skills less than 3.5.
- Games will be played at Midway Park Pickleball Courts in Euless, Tx.
- Switch format league play is a blind draw in which players get a new partner every game, and are ranked on an individual basis
- Game Start Times: 6:30pm—9:30pm
Registration Includes:
- 7 week regular season (6 games per night)
- Playoffs for top players
- Dri-fit jerseys
- Professional photography
- Some paddles and balls available to borrow during play
- Championship prizes
Midway Park Pickleball Courts (MPC)
300 W Midway Dr, Euless, TX 76039
- Players sign up individually for the switch league. A switch league is a fun and social twist to the popular ladder league.
- We use the term "Switch" to emphasize the switch of your opponent and partner each game, each night! To clarify, this means you will have a different partner and opponent each game.
- Dependent on the total number of players in the league there is a potential to play the same opponent or with the same player more than any other.
- Player rankings during a switch league are based on your winning percentage (the ratio of points won to total points possible).
- Each week, players will play 6 games.
- Scoresheets will be provided to each group of four, so they can keep track of their total points. After the end of each match, the groups will submit their scoresheets to the on-site league supervisor to update the rankings.
- The top players will make the playoffs.
- Players who miss three or more weeks in the switch will be ineligible for playoffs.
- Paddles will be provided to those players who need to borrow paddles. Players may bring their paddles. Balls will be provided each week.
- This format is not designed for substitutions. If unforeseen circumstances take a player out of an incomplete game, we will look to fill with a "ghost" player within the League or with the help of our League Supervisor/ Coordinator.
A team chooses service, side, or receive for the start of the first game by winning Rock/Paper/Scissors.- Points are scored only by the serving side when the server or the server’s team wins the rally, or the opposing side commits a fault.
- The server continues to serve, alternating service courts until the serving side loses the rally or commits a fault.
- Paddle contact with the ball must not be made above the waist level.
- At the time the ball is struck, the server’s feet may not touch the court and neither foot may contact the baseline or court until after the ball is struck.
- The serve is made diagonally crosscourt and must land within the confines of the opposite diagonal court.
- Only one serve attempt is allowed per server.
- A serve contacting the non-volley zone line is short and a fault.
- A served ball is playable when it touches the net and lands in the playable zone passed the kitchen and kitchen lines.
- On the serve, if the ball strikes the perimeter line of the kitchen, this is ruled as a kitchen ball and is considered a fault on a serve.
Both players on the serving doubles team have the opportunity to serve and score points until they commit a fault *(except for the first service sequence of each new game).- The first serve of each side-out is made from the right/even court.
- If a point is scored, the server switches sides and the server initiates the next serve from the left/odd court.
- As subsequent points are scored, the server continues switching back and forth until a fault is committed and the first server loses the serve.
- When the first server loses the serve the partner then serves from their correct side of the court (except for the first service sequence of the game*).
- The second server continues serving until his team commits a fault and loses the serve to the opposing team.
- Once the service goes to the opposition (at side out), the first serve is from the right/even court and both players on that team have the opportunity to serve and score points until their team commits two faults.
- *At the beginning of each new game only one partner on the serving team can serve before faulting, after which the service passes to the receiving team.
- When the ball is served, the receiving team must let it bounce before returning, and then the serving team must let it bounce before returning, thus two bounces.
- After the ball has bounced once in each team’s court, both teams may either volley the ball (hit the ball before it bounces) or play it off a bounce.
- The non-volley zone is the court area within 7 feet on both sides of the net commonly referred to as “the Kitchen.”
- Volleying is prohibited within the non-volley zone (the Kitchen). This rule prevents players from executing smashes from a position within the zone.
- It is a fault if, when volleying a ball, the player steps on the non-volley zone, including the line, and/or when the player’s momentum causes them to touch the non-volley zone including the lines.
- It is a fault if, after volleying, a player is carried by momentum into or touches the non-volley zone, even if the volleyed ball is declared dead before this happens.
- A player may legally be in the non-volley zone any time other than when volleying a ball.
- A ball contacting any part of any line, except the non-volley zone line on a serve, is considered “in.”
- You may play the ball around the net if the ball and momentum of the player take them to the sideline. In this instance, the ball doesn’t need to go over the net.
- The score is announced in threes. The first number is the team serving points. The second number is the receiving team’s points. The third number is the server number
- The serve always starts on the right side. 0-0-2
- Once the side-out point happens and the serve shifts to the opposing team, It is now announced as 0-0-1. Once the serving team misses. It’s the second server's opportunity. 0-0-2.
- Suppose the second server scores a point. The score is now 1-0-2.
- When the serving team scores a point the server moves to the other side to serve. The receiving team does not move.
- Once the serving team misses, it then returns to the opposing team where the player on the right side starts the serve with the score, 0-1-1.
- If you are unable to attend you will not have scores trackable for each week/game you are not in attendance, the following rules apply: You will have a score of zero for every game you miss.
- After your 3rd offense, you will be removed from the league.
- If you know in advance that your team is going to forfeit a game, we encourage you to contact us at austin@sportskind.com.
- You have until ten minutes past the designated start time to check in. If at that time you have not arrived, you forfeit your spot for that day. As a result, you will receive a score of 0 for the week.
- Pickleball is a self-officiated game. SPORTSKIND will provide a league coordinator to help with court location, resolving disputes, and collecting scores.
- We enforce a “Zero Tolerance Policy” regarding the behavior of players, managers, and fans. Taunting, trash-talking, or abusive language will not be tolerated. Officials and league staff will have the right to reprimand or eject players, managers, or fans depending on the severity of the situation. Abusive behavior toward the official will not be tolerated. An ejection carries a one-game suspension (including the current game). In extreme cases, the player will be asked to leave the premises without a refund. The severity of the punishment will be based on the discretion of the official and league staff.
- You are allowed to approach the staff with questions or concerns in a respective manner. Teams charging the field of play to question or complain about a call will be subject to an automatic forfeit for that game.
- Alcohol and smoking are not allowed on playing fields.
- Any rules not covered or protests will be handled by the League Coordinator.
- There will be no refunds allowed for rain delays or cancellations. If the league is postponed due to weather, we will reschedule for a later date. There will be no refunds if you are not able to furnish a team on the makeup date.
- Pickleball is played in the rain if at all possible unless the Official or Facility Representative decides it is necessary to postpone due to dangerous playing conditions or lightning.