Flag Football

Gather some friends, lace up your cleats, and get in the game! Whether it’s our MEN's or our COED Flag Football Leagues, we've got you covered. Here’s your chance to get outside, find the red zone, and play in one of Austin’s top Flag Football leagues! Make the night complete by huddling up at our sponsor bar afterwards, for some post game team bonding!


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Registration Includes

  • 7 regular season games
  • Trained Officials
  • Playoffs for top teams
  • Game Equipment
  • Unlimited Team Rosters sizes – no per player fees for team registrations
  • Team Shirts (first 15 included – $10 for each additional)
  • Championship Prizes
  • 7 regular season games
  • Trained Officials
  • Playoffs for top teams
  • Game Equipment
  • Unlimited Team Rosters sizes – no per player fees for team registrations
  • Team Shirts (first 10 included – $10 for each additional)
  • Championship Prizes


All teams will compete in the regular season and top teams advance to the playoffs.  The number of playoff teams will be determined by the total number of teams in the league. If there is a tie in the standings, the head-to-head match up will determine seeding.  If there is no clear head-to-head winner, points scored differential will determine seeding.


  • Flag football is an 8 on 8 non-contact league. All players must have SPORTSKIND provided shirts as their uniforms and will wear the provided flags around their waist.
  • Games consist of two 20-minute halves, with one two minute half-time. There will be a running clock maintained by the referee except for the last two minutes of the second half unless one team is ahead by 19 points or more, in which case time will continue to run with no stoppages aside from a trailing-team’s timeout.
  • If the game is within 18 points during the final two minutes of the second half, the clock is stopped for an incomplete pass, if a player goes out of bounds before having their flag pulled, if either team scores (clock starts when the opposing team snaps the ball, after the PAT attempt), for a change of possession, if a penalty must be marked off, or if a team calls time out. The clock does not stop on first downs or for a completed pass in bounds. If a team is down by 19 points but scores after the two-minute mark in the second half, the clock then stops.


The referee will have the two captains play rock, paper, scissors. The winning captain will have the first choice of which half they want the ball or direction. The losing captain can then choose from whatever option is left over. Teams change directions and possession at half time.


All players must wear their team’s SPORTSKIND league shirt. 1 point will be given to the opposing team for each player not in uniform upon checking into the game (Exception: If a player is on the official roster and shirt was ripped during the league and a replacement shirt hasn’t been purchased and delivered. Teams are responsible for replacement of ripped or torn shirts within a week of a ripped or torn shirt). PLAYERS MAY NOT WEAR SHORTS WITH POCKETS, or jewelry of any kind. Players may not alter the SPORTSKIND provided flags. SPORTSKIND will provide all field equipment, including footballs and flags. Each team is entitled to use their own football.


  • In order for an official game with league referees there must be at least 6 players on the field. A minimum of 5 players from the team's roster must be present to field a team. Any teams short of 6 players may look to utilize our substitution rules but if the team is still without at least 6 players 10 minutes after the scheduled game time, the game will be an official forfeit and the forfeit policy will take effect.
  • If teams are short players they may pick up players from other teams within the league. They are allowed to pick up enough players for a 7 person roster. However, any players after 7 must be approved by the opposing team. If a team member arrives late a substitute player must drop off to stay at the 7 person roster size unless approved by the opposing team.


  • Each team is allowed 1 (one-minute) time out in the first half and 2 timeouts in the second half. If not used, the 1 time out in the first half does not carry over. About two minutes before each half ends the referee will inform each team of playing time remaining in that half. If a touchdown has occurred after time has expired, the extra point conversion will be allowed. A half cannot end on a defensive penalty.
  • No timeouts can be called by a leading team if they are ahead by 19 or more. Time will only be stopped during the first 38 minutes for called timeouts and serious injuries. If an injury occurs, that player must leave the game for one scrimmage down.


The ball starts on the 20 yard line. Only one offensive player may be “in motion”, be moving as the ball is snapped. The man in motion can move laterally or backwards at the snap but not forward. Excepting a man “in motion,” all players must be set before the ball is snap. Aside from the Center position, there is no minimum number of players required to line up on the line of scrimmage. After a play, the line of scrimmage is determined by the location of the hips when the flags are pulled. The ball becomes dead when the flag is removed legally (If the belt/flag falls off, one hand touch between shoulders and knees).


  • The ball will be spotted for downs where the hips of the player is located once their flag is pulled.
  • First downs are obtained by crossing midfield, and your opponent’s 20 yard line. If a team fails to earn a first down in four plays, possession will go to the opposing team. The offensive team may elect to punt on fourth down.
  • The offensive team must declare punts on fourth down to the referee with enough advance warning for the defense to put players back in receiving formation. Once the offensive team declares with the official whether to punt, but then changes their decision, they must use a timeout before being allowed to proceed. No fake punts are allowed and all punts must be kicked.
  • The kicking team must stay on the line of scrimmage until the ball is punted. Five players from the receiving team must be on the line of scrimmage. The receiving team may fair catch the ball or advance it. The receiving team can field the ball off one bounce, however when the ball hits the ground a second time it becomes a dead ball. If the ball travels into the end zone without being touched, a touch back is called and the ball placed at the 20 yard line. The defense may not block a punt.


“Blocking” with hands is not allowed. This includes downfield “blocking” during an offensive play and returned punt. NO CONTACT is allowed at the line or downfield by any defensive player guarding a receiver. Players may block with their hands behind their back at the line of scrimmage, but may not do so 5 yards passed the line. Once a defender gets past a blocker, the blocker becomes an eligible receiver.


All defensive players must play a yard off the line of scrimmage and can rush once the ball is hiked to the quarterback.


  • A forward pass is completed when caught by any player of the passing team who has at least one foot in-bounds. If opposing teams catch the pass in-bounds simultaneously, the tie goes to the offense. If a player steps out-of-bounds and comes back in-bounds to be the first person to touch the ball, it will be ruled an incomplete pass. However, if a player steps out of bounds, they will be eligible to catch a deflected ball.
  • After the immediate completion of a play, the referee will place a marker at the line of scrimmage. The offense has 25 seconds to put the ball in play after it is declared ready by the head judge (ie, when the marker is placed). No player shall put the ball in play until declared ready-for-play.
  • The QB may run for positive yards at any time. The QB need not be rushed (ie, defensive player crosses the line of scrimmage) in order to run for positive yards.
  • A change of possession can only occur due to downs, a punt, or an interception. A fumble where the ball hits the ground cannot result in a turnover (the ball is dead at the spot of the fumble). A lateral caught by the defense will result in a turnover.
  • On a change of possession, the offense must allow the defense to get set for 15 seconds after the marker has been placed before the offense can snap the ball.


Touchdowns are six points. After scoring a touchdown, teams may elect to go for either one, two, or three extra points:
  • 1 point – attempted from the 3 yard-line
  • 2 points – attempted from the 10 yard-line
  • 3 points – attempted from the 20 yard-line
Converted extra point attempts are worth the same regardless of whether they are converted via run or pass. If the defense intercepts a pass or lateral they may attempt to return the ball for a score. If the defense returns the interception for a score they will be awarded the number of points equal to the original value attempted by the offense. Safeties are 2 points. The scoring team will now go on offense with the ball placed at their own 20 yard line.


Moving penalties can be accepted or declined by the defense. If declined, the play stands as ruled. If accepted, the penalty is yardage and the down is re-played.


In the Playoffs, rock/paper/scissors is played by the captains with the winning team deciding on first or second possession. Teams will attempt to score in the same end zone. Each team will then have four downs to score from the 20 yard line. If a team scores, they will have the opportunity to go for one, two, or three extra points. If a tie occurs after the first round, then teams will repeat using the same format. However, the team that defended first is now on offense first. If a third round is needed, then the teams must go for two or three extra points. The game will be decided when one team scores more points in the round. No first downs will be awarded except in the case of a penalty.


All players participating in the playoffs must be on the official team roster and have played at least 1 regular season game. If an opposing team believes one of the players on the other team hasn’t played in an official regular season game and/or isn’t on the official team roster they can protest that player. If a team checks in a player who isn’t on the official league roster and the opposing team protests, said team will automatically forfeit the game.


If your team forfeits a game during the season, the following rules apply: 
  • First Offense: Loss of game. Score marked: 21-0
  • Second Offense: Loss of game and ability to make the playoffs. Score marked: 21-0 
  • Third Offense: Removal from the league.
  • If you know in advance that your team is going to forfeit a game, we encourage you to contact us immediately so we can inform your opponent. 
  • Teams have until ten minutes past the designated start time to field a full squad (or the league minimum of players required according to rules). If at that time a team is unable to field a legal team, they forfeit the game. The teams may utilize the playing field during their allotted time to play an unofficial game. The official score will be marked as a loss with the respective forfeit score of 21-0.


  • We enforce a “Zero Tolerance Policy” in regards to behavior of players, captains, and fans. Taunting, trash talking, or abusive language will not be tolerated. Referees and league staff will have the right to reprimand or eject players, managers, or fans depending on the severity of the situation. Abusive behavior toward the referee will not be tolerated. An ejection carries a two game suspension (including the current game). In extreme cases, the player will be asked to leave the premises without refund. The severity of the punishment will be based on the discretion of the referee and league staff. Only captains of respective teams are allowed to approach the referee with questions or concerns in a respective manner. Teams charging the field of play to question or complain a call will be subject to automatic forfeit for that game.
  • Alcohol and smoking is not allowed on playing fields.
  • Any rules not covered or protests will be handled by the Referee.
  • There will be no refunds allowed for rain delays or cancellations. If the league is postponed due to weather, we will reschedule to a later date. There will be no refunds if you are not able to furnish a team on the makeup date.
  • Flag Football is played in the rain if at all possible unless the Referee or Facility Representative decide it is necessary to postpone due to dangerous field conditions or lightning. If lightning occurs, all attempts will be made to resume play 30 minutes after the last lightning flash is viewed and the umpire deems it safe to resume play. The games will resume as scheduled if at all possible, or shortened if necessary.


All teams will compete in the regular season and the top teams advance to the playoffs. The number of playoff teams will be determined by the total number of teams in the league. If there is a tie in the standings, the head-to-head match-up will determine seeding. If there is no clear head-to-head winner, the points scored differential will determine seeding.
  • Coed Flag football is an 8 on 8 non-contact league. All players must have SPORTSKIND-provided shirts as their uniforms and will wear the provided flags around their waist.
  • Games consist of two 20-minute halves, with one two-minute half-time. There will be a running clock maintained by the referee except for the last two minutes of the second half unless one team is ahead by 19 points or more, in which case time will continue to run with no stoppages aside from a trailing team’s timeout.
  • If the game is within 18 points during the final two minutes of the second half, the clock is stopped for an incomplete pass, if a player goes out of bounds before having their flag pulled, if either team scores (the clock starts when the opposing team snaps the ball, after the PAT attempt), for a change of possession, if a penalty must be marked off, or if a team calls time out. The clock does not stop on first downs or for a completed pass in bounds. If a team is down by 19 points but scores after the two-minute mark in the second half, the clock then stops.
  • The ball will be spotted for downs where the hips of the player is located once their flag is pulled.
The referee will have the two captains play rock, paper, scissors. The winning captain will have the first choice of which half they want the ball or direction. The losing captain can then choose from whatever option is left over. Teams change directions and possession at half-time.
All players must wear their team’s SPORTSKIND league shirt. Upon checking into the game, 1 point will be given to the opposing team for each player, not in uniform (Exception: If a player is on the official roster and the shirt was ripped during the league and a replacement shirt hasn’t been purchased and picked up. Teams are responsible for the replacement of ripped or torn shirts within a week of a ripped or torn shirt). PLAYERS MAY NOT WEAR SHORTS WITH POCKETS, or jewelry of any kind. Players may not alter the SPORTSKIND-provided flags. SPORTSKIND will provide all field equipment, including footballs and flags. Each team is entitled to use their football.  
  • Teams must have a minimum of 3 females on the field at all times. For an official game with league referees, there must be at least 6 (minimum of 2 female) players on the field. Any teams short of this number may look to utilize our substitution rules but if the team is still without at least 6 players 10 minutes after the scheduled game time, the game will be an official forfeit and the forfeit policy will take effect.
  • If teams are short players they may pick up players from other teams within the league.  They are allowed to pick up enough players for a 7 person roster. However, any players after 7 must be approved by the opposing team. If a team member arrives late a substitute player must drop off to stay at the 7-person roster size unless approved by the opposing team.
  • Each team is allowed 1 (one-minute) timeout in the first half and 2 timeouts in the second half. If not used, the 1 time-out in the first half does not carry over. About two minutes before each half ends the referee will inform each team of the playing time remaining in that half. If a touchdown has occurred after time has expired, the extra point conversion will be allowed. A half cannot end on a defensive penalty.
  • No timeouts can be called by a leading team if they are ahead by 19 or more. Time will only be stopped during the first 38 minutes for called timeouts and serious injuries. If an injury occurs, that player must leave the game for one scrimmage down.
  • The ball starts on the 20-yard line. Only one offensive player can be in motion, as the ball is snapped. 
  • The player in motion can move laterally or backward at the snap but not forward. 
  • All other players must be set before the ball is snapped. 
  • Aside from the Center position, there is no minimum number of players required to line up on the line of scrimmage. 
  • After a play, the line of scrimmage is determined by the location of the hips when the flags are pulled. The ball becomes dead when the flag is removed legally (If the belt/flag falls off, one hand touch between shoulders and knees).
  • First downs are obtained by crossing midfield, and your opponent’s 20-yard line. 
  • If a team fails to earn a first down in four plays, possession will go to the opposing team. 
  • The offensive team may elect to punt on fourth down.
  • The offensive team must declare punts on fourth down to the referee with enough time for the defense to put players in receiving formation. 
  • Once the offensive team declares to punt they must use a timeout to change their decision.
  • No fake punts are allowed and all punts must be kicked once declared and in motion.
  • The kicking team must stay on the line of scrimmage until the ball is punted. 
  • Five players from the receiving team must be on the line of scrimmage. The receiving team may catch the ball or advance it. The receiving team can field the ball off one bounce, however, when the ball hits the ground a second time it becomes a dead ball. 
  • If the ball travels into the end zone without being touched, a touchback is called and the ball is placed at the 20-yard line. The defense may not block a punt.
  • “Blocking” with hands is not allowed. 
  • This includes downfield “blocking” during an offensive play and a returned punt. 
  • NO CONTACT is allowed at the line or downfield by any defensive player guarding a receiver. 
  • Players may block with their hands behind their back at the line of scrimmage, but may not do so 5 yards passed the line. Once a defender gets past a blocker, the blocker becomes an eligible receiver.
  • All defensive players must play a yard off the line of scrimmage.
  • No players can rush until officials complete a 5-count. 
  • If a female is lined up at QB then only a female defensive player(s) may rush. 
  • If a male is lined up at QB then either a male or female defensive player(s) may rush. 
  • A QB can not run the ball until after they are rushed. 
  • A forward pass is completed when caught by any player of the passing team who has at least one-foot in-bounds. If opposing teams catch the pass in bounds simultaneously, the tie goes to the offense. If a player steps out of bounds and comes back in bounds to be the first person to touch the ball, it will be ruled an incomplete pass. However, if a player steps out of bounds, they will be eligible to catch a deflected ball.
  • After the immediate completion of a play, the referee will place a marker at the line of scrimmage. The offense has 25 seconds to put the ball in play after it is declared ready by the head judge (ie, when the marker is placed). No player shall put the ball in play until declared ready for play.
  • A change of possession can only occur due to downs, a punt, or an interception. A fumble where the ball hits the ground cannot result in a turnover (the ball is dead at the spot of the fumble). A lateral caught by the defense will result in a turnover.
  • On a change of possession, the offense must allow the defense to get set for 15 seconds after the marker has been placed before the offense can snap the ball.
  • During the offensive team's possession, there may not be more than two (2) consecutive legal forward pass completions on downs Male to Male. 
  • The term CLOSED means a male player may not complete a legal forward pass to a male.
  • The term OPEN means any player can complete a pass to any other player.
  • Accepted penalties do not affect open and closed plays. It is possible to lose net yardage on a closed play; for the next play to be open all of the requirements to open a play must be met. Positive yards gained are GROSS yards gained, not NET yards gained after the penalty has been enforced.
  • Rushing plays do not affect open and closed plays.
  • If a male player is the quarterback only one defensive player can guard them.
  • All other male defensive AND offensive players must remain stationary on the LOS lined up across from one another with their arms down.
  • A male player can guard a female but must use a 3-yard cushion and reasonable catching opportunity. A male defensive player cannot deny a pass to a female player or make contact with them while guarding.
  • A male player can not move or touch a forward pass until after it has been touched by a female offensive player. 
  • Interceptions by a male player are only possible off of the hands of a female offensive player. 
  • If a female player is the quarterback all players can participate as if the play was open. 
  • No male player is allowed to rush the female quarterback. 
  • The offensive team must declare who will be receiving the snap. 
  • If the quarterback takes a knee or spikes the ball the play remains CLOSED.
  • If a Male quarterback is sacked or a fumble occurs the play will remain CLOSED.
  • If a female quarterback is sacked or a fumble occurs the next down will be OPEN. 
  • To move on to OPEN play the following must occur: 
    • A female receiver was the intended target of a fwd pass.
    • A female player was the intended target for a backward pass.
    • A female quarterback attempts a fwd or backward pass. 
    • A female quarterback is rushed and attempts to run the ball. 
  • The play remains CLOSED for the following: 
    • A female center snaps to a male.
    • A female quarterback hands off to a male running back.
    • The quarterback intentionally grounds a pass. 
  • Illegal plays during a CLOSED play include
    • A male quarterback advances across the line of scrimmage.
    • A male defensive player is in motion before the fwd pass. 
    • A male player receives a lateral pass behind the line of scrimmages and tries to throw it for positive yards. 
    • A male quarterback tries to create an intentional interception. 
Three female defensive players and two offensive female players
  • All three defensive players can guard the two offensive players. 
Three or two female defensive players and three or four offensive female players
  • Male defensive players guarding female players must allow a 3 yrd cushion to offer an opportunity for a completed pass. 
Four or more defensive female players against three or two offensive female players
  • Any additional female defensive players above three must line up with a male offensive player and remain stationary with her arms down. 
  • Touchdowns are six points.
  • After scoring a touchdown, teams may elect to go for either one, two, or three extra points:
    • 1 point – attempted from the 3 yard-line
    • 2 points – attempted from the 10 yard-line
    • 3 points – attempted from the 20-yard-line
  • An intercepted extra-point try may be returned for 2 points. Safeties are 2 points. The scoring team will now go on offense with the ball placed at their 20-yard line.
FOOTBALL PENALTIES Moving penalties can be accepted or declined by the defense. If declined, the play stands as ruled. If accepted, the penalty is yardage and the down is re-played. Penalties committed by the defense vary by infraction:


In the Playoffs, rock/paper/scissors are played by the captains with the winning team deciding on the first or second possession. Teams will attempt to score in the same end zone. Each team will then have four downs to score from the 20-yard line. If a team scores, they will have the opportunity to go for one, two, or three extra points. If a tie occurs after the first round, then teams will repeat using the same format. However, the team that defended first is now on offense first. If a third round is needed, then the teams must go for two or three extra points. The game will be decided when one team scores more points in the round. No first downs will be awarded except in the case of a penalty.
All players participating in the playoffs must be on the official team roster and have played at least one regular season game. If an opposing team believes one of the players on the other team hasn’t played in an official regular season game and/or isn’t on the official team roster they can protest that player. If a team checks in a player who isn’t on the official league roster and the opposing team protests, the team will automatically forfeit the game.
  • If your team forfeits a game during the season, the following rules apply: 
    • The first Offense: Loss of the game. Score marked: 21-0
    • Second Offense: Loss of game and ability to make the playoffs. Score marked: 21-0 
    • Third Offense: Removal from the league.
  • If you know in advance that your team is going to forfeit a game, we encourage you to contact us immediately so we can inform your opponent. 
  • Teams have until ten minutes past the designated start time to field a full squad (or the league minimum of players required according to rules). If at that time a team is unable to field a legal team, they forfeit the game. The teams may utilize the playing field during their allotted time to play an unofficial game. The official score will be marked as a loss with the respective forfeit score of 21-0.
  • We enforce a “Zero Tolerance Policy” regarding the behavior of players, captains, and fans. Taunting, trash-talking, or abusive language will not be tolerated. Referees and league staff will have the right to reprimand or eject players, managers, or fans depending on the severity of the situation. Abusive behavior toward the referee will not be tolerated. An ejection carries a two-game suspension (including the current game). In extreme cases, the player will be asked to leave the premises without a refund. The severity of the punishment will be based on the discretion of the referee and league staff.
  • Only captains of respective teams are allowed to approach the referee with questions or concerns in a respective manner. Teams charging the field of play to question or complain about a call will be subject to an automatic forfeit for that game.
  • Alcohol and smoking are not allowed on playing fields.
  • Any rules not covered or protests will be handled by the Referee.
  • There will be no refunds allowed for rain delays or cancellations. If the league is postponed due to weather, we will reschedule for a later date. There will be no refunds if you are not able to furnish a team on the makeup date.
  • Flag Football is played in the rain if at all possible unless the Referee or Facility Representative decides it is necessary to postpone due to dangerous field conditions or lightning. If lightning occurs, all attempts will be made to resume play 30 minutes after the last lightning flash is viewed and the umpire deems it safe to resume play. The games will resume as scheduled if at all possible, or shortened if necessary.
All teams will compete in the regular season and top teams advance to the playoffs.  The number of playoff teams will be determined by the total number of teams in the league. If there is a tie in the standings, the head-to-head match up will determine seeding.  If there is no clear head-to-head winner, points scored differential will determine seeding.
  • Flag football is a 5 v 5 non-contact league. All players must have SPORTSKIND provided shirts as their uniforms and will wear the provided flags around their waist.
  • Games consist of two 20-minute halves, with one two minute half-time. There will be a running clock maintained by the referee except for the last two minutes of the second half unless one team is ahead by 23 points or more, in which case time will continue to run with no stoppages aside from a trailing-team’s timeout.
  • If the game is within 18 points during the final two minutes of the second half, the clock is stopped for an incomplete pass, if a player goes out of bounds before having their flag pulled, if either team scores (the clock starts when the opposing team snaps the ball, after the PAT attempt), for a change of possession, if a penalty must be marked off, or if a team calls time out. The clock does not stop on first downs or for a completed pass in bounds. If a team is down by 19 points but scores after the two-minute mark in the second half, the clock then stops.
  • The game field will be marked off to measure 20 yards wide by 35 yards long plus a 10 yard end zone.
  • The ball will be spotted for downs where the hips of the player is located once their flag is pulled.
The referee will have the two captains play rock, paper, scissors. The winning captain will have the first choice of which half they want the ball.
All players must wear their team’s SPORTSKIND league shirt. 1 point will be given to the opposing team for each player not in uniform upon checking into the game (Exception: If a player is on the official roster and shirt was ripped during the league and a replacement shirt hasn’t been purchased and delivered. Teams are responsible for replacement of ripped or torn shirts within a week of a ripped or torn shirt). PLAYERS MAY NOT WEAR SHORTS WITH POCKETS, or jewelry of any kind. Players may not alter the SPORTSKIND provided flags. SPORTSKIND will provide all field equipment, including footballs and flags. Each team is entitled to use their own football.
  • In order for an official game with league referees, there must be at least 4 players on the field. However, a minimum of three players from the team's roster must be present to field a team. Any teams short of this number may look to utilize our substitution rules listed below but if the team is still without at least 4 players 10 minutes after the scheduled game time, the game will be an official forfeit and the forfeit policy will take effect.
  • If teams are short players they may pick up players from other teams within the league.  They are allowed to pick up enough players to field a 5 person team.  However, any players after 5 must be approved by the opposing team.  If a team member arrives late a substitute player must drop off to stay at the 5 player team size unless approved by the opposing team.
  • Each team is allowed 1 (one-minute) timeout in the first half and 2 timeouts in the second half.  If not used, the 1 timeout in the first half does not carry over. About two minutes before each half ends the referee will inform each team of playing time remaining in that half. If a touchdown has occurred after time has expired, the extra point conversion will be allowed. A half cannot end on a defensive penalty.
  • No timeouts can be called by a leading team if they are ahead by 23 or more. Time will only be stopped during the first 38 minutes for called timeouts and serious injuries. If an injury occurs, that player must leave the game for one scrimmage down.
  • The ball will be placed on the 30 yard line at the beginning of each half, as well as following touchdowns, interceptions, turnover on downs, and safeties (unless moved by penalty).
  • The team in possession of the ball has three (3) downs to score or advance passed the line to gain (the 15 yard line)
  • When the ball becomes dead, the spot of the ball is directly under the position of the ball (foremost point of the ball).
  • Only one offensive player may be  “in motion”, be moving as the ball is snapped. The player in motion can move laterally or backwards at the snap but not forward. All other players must be set before the ball is snapped.  Aside from the Center position, there is no minimum number of players required to line up on the line of scrimmage. After a play, the line of scrimmage is determined by the location of the ball when the flags are pulled. If flags fall off a receiver before the flags are pulled, the ball is dead where the receiver catches the pass. If anything falls off a player (ie: hat, playsheet, gloves, etc), it is marked as if the player’s flag has been pulled.
  • A forward pass is completed when caught by any player of the passing team who has at least one-foot in-bounds. If opposing teams catch the pass in bounds simultaneously, the tie goes to the offense. If a player steps out of bounds and comes back in bounds to be the first person to touch the ball, it will be ruled an incomplete pass. However, if a player steps out of bounds, they will be eligible to catch a deflected ball.
  • After the immediate completion of a play, the referee will place a marker at the line of scrimmage. The offense has 25 seconds to put the ball in play after it is declared ready by the head judge (ie, when the marker is placed). No player shall put the ball in play until declared ready for play.
  • A change of possession can only occur due to downs, a punt, or an interception. A fumble where the ball hits the ground cannot result in a turnover (the ball is dead at the spot of the fumble). A lateral caught by the defense will result in a turnover.
  • On a change of possession, the offense must allow the defense to get set for 15 seconds after the marker has been placed before the offense can snap the ball.
  • During the offensive team's possession, there may not be more than two (2) consecutive legal forward pass completions on downs Male to Male. 
  • The term CLOSED means a male player may not complete a legal forward pass to a male.
  • The term OPEN means any player can complete a pass to any other player.
  • Accepted penalties do not affect open and closed plays. It is possible to lose net yardage on a closed play; for the next play to be open all of the requirements to open a play must be met. Positive yards gained are GROSS yards gained, not NET yards gained after the penalty has been enforced.
  • Rushing plays do not affect open and closed plays.
  • If a male player is the quarterback only one defensive player can guard them.
  • All other male defensive AND offensive players must remain stationary on the LOS lined up across from one another with their arms down.
  • A male player can guard a female but must use a 3-yard cushion and reasonable catching opportunity. A male defensive player cannot deny a pass to a female player or make contact with them while guarding.
  • A male player can not move or touch a forward pass until after it has been touched by a female offensive player. 
  • Interceptions by a male player are only possible off of the hands of a female offensive player. 
  • If a female player is the quarterback all players can participate as if the play was open. 
  • No male player is allowed to rush the female quarterback. 
  • The offensive team must declare who will be receiving the snap. 
  • If the quarterback takes a knee or spikes the ball the play remains CLOSED.
  • If a Male quarterback is sacked or a fumble occurs the play will remain CLOSED.
  • If a female quarterback is sacked or a fumble occurs the next down will be OPEN. 
  • To move on to OPEN play the following must occur: 
    • A female receiver was the intended target of a fwd pass.
    • A female player was the intended target for a backward pass.
    • A female quarterback attempts a fwd or backward pass. 
    • A female quarterback is rushed and attempts to run the ball. 
  • The play remains CLOSED for the following: 
    • A female center snaps to a male.
    • A female quarterback hands off to a male running back.
    • The quarterback intentionally grounds a pass. 
  • Illegal plays during a CLOSED play include
    • A male quarterback advances across the line of scrimmage.
    • A male defensive player is in motion before the fwd pass. 
    • A male player receives a lateral pass behind the line of scrimmages and tries to throw it for positive yards. 
    • A male quarterback tries to create an intentional interception. 
Three female defensive players and two offensive female players
  • All three defensive players can guard the two offensive players. 
Three or two female defensive players and three or four offensive female players
  • Male defensive players guarding female players must allow a 3 yrd cushion to offer an opportunity for a completed pass. 
Four or more defensive female players against three or two offensive female players
  • Any additional female defensive players above three must line up with a male offensive player and remain stationary with her arms down. 
Touchdowns are six points. After scoring a touchdown, teams may elect to go for either one, two, or three extra points:
  • 1 point – attempted from the 3 yard-line
  • 2 points – attempted from the 10 yard-line
  • 3 points – attempted from the 20 yard-line
Converted extra point attempts are worth the same regardless of whether they are converted via run or pass.
Blocking is not allowed in this league. QB can not scramble beyond the LOS.
All defensive players must play at least one yard off the line of scrimmage.
  • A rushing player must start 7 yards back from the line of scrimmage.
  • If a female is lined up at QB then only a female defensive player may rush.
  • If a male is lined up at QB then either a male or female defensive player may rush.
  • Rusher must self-proclaim (there can only be one).
  • Rusher can not lineup with the center.
Penalties committed by the offense result in loss of down. Penalties committed by the defense vary by infraction:
In the Playoffs, rock/paper/scissors is played by the captains with the winning team deciding on first or second possession. Teams will attempt to score in the same end zone. Each team will then have three downs to score from the 15 yard line. If a team scores, they will have the opportunity to go for one, two, or three extra points.  If a tie occurs after the first round, then teams will repeat using the same format. However, the team that defended first is now on offense first. If a third round is needed, then the teams must go for two or three extra points. The game will be decided when one team scores more points in the round. No first downs will be awarded except in the case of a penalty.
If your team forfeits a game during the season, the following rules apply:
  • First Offense: Loss of game. Score marked: 21-0
  • Second Offense: Loss of game and ability to make the playoffs. Score marked: 21-0
  • Third Offense: Removal from the league.
  • Contact us at least 48 hours in advance if you know in advance that your team is going to forfeit a game.
  • If you know your team has a conflict, let us know before the schedule is released and we will make every effort to accommodate.
  • Teams have until ten minutes past the designated start time to field a full squad (or the league minimum of players required according to rules). If at that time a team is unable to field a legal team, they forfeit the game. The teams may utilize the playing field during their allotted time to play an unofficial game. The official score will be marked as a loss with the respective forfeit score of 21-0.
  • We enforce a “Zero Tolerance Policy” in regards to behavior of players, captains, and fans. Taunting, trash talking, or abusive language will not be tolerated.  Referees and league staff will have the right to reprimand or eject players, managers, or fans depending on the severity of the situation. Abusive behavior toward the referee will not be tolerated. An ejection carries a two game suspension (including the current game). In extreme cases, the player will be asked to leave the premises without refund. The severity of the punishment will be based on the discretion of the referee and league staff.
  • Only captains of respective teams are allowed to approach the referee with questions or concerns in a respective manner. Teams charging the field of play to question or complain a call will be subject to automatic forfeit for that game.
  • Alcohol and smoking is not allowed on playing fields.
  • Any rules not covered or protests will be handled by the Referee.
  • There will be no refunds allowed for rain delays or cancellations.  If the league is postponed due to weather, we will reschedule to a later date.  There will be no refunds if you are not able to furnish a team on the makeup date.
  • Flag Football is played in the rain if at all possible unless the Referee or Facility Representative decide it is necessary to postpone due to dangerous field conditions or lightning.  If lightning occurs, all attempts will be made to resume play 30 minutes after the last lightning flash is viewed and the umpire deems it safe to resume play. The games will resume as scheduled if at all possible, or shortened if necessary..
Flag football is an 8 on 8 non-contact league. All players must have SPORTSKIND provided shirts as their uniforms and will wear the provided flags around their waist. The objective is to score more points than your opponent in a format similar to college football overtime rules.
The first two randomly matched games will be used to determine placement in a single elimination tournament.  Ties are a possible outcome during the pool play portion of the tournament. After every team plays their first two games they will be placed in the single elimination tournament based on the following factors:
  • Overall Record
  • Point differential
  • If any teams are still tied, seeding will be decided by a coin flip
Depending on the number of tournament teams some of the higher seeds may receive a bye. The Championship game will crown the champion team of the tournament.
The referee will have the two captains play rock, paper, scissors or flip a coin. The winning captain can elect to start on either offense or defense, and teams will alternate possessions throughout the remainder of the game
Each game will have a running clock of 35 min with no half time break. When game clock expires: 1) If the team which began the game on defense is in possession of the ball
  1. a) and leading, the game will end immediately
  2. b) and trailing by 10 or more points, the game will end immediately
  3. c) and trailing by 9 or less points, the game will continue untimed through the completion of the current possession.
2) If the team which began the game on offense is in possession of the ball
  1. a) and leading by 10 or more points (i.e. is leading by more than one "possession"), the game will end immediately
  2. b) and is leading by 9 or less points, the game will continue untimed through the completion of the current possession
All players must wear their team’s SPORTSKIND league shirt. 1 point will be given to the opposing team for each player not in uniform upon checking into the game (Exception: If player is on the official roster and shirt was ripped during the league and a replacement shirt hasn’t been purchased and delivered. Teams are responsible for replacement of ripped or torn shirts within a week of a ripped or torn shirt). PLAYERS MAY NOT WEAR SHORTS WITH POCKETS, or jewelry of any kind. Players may not alter the SPORTSKIND provided flags. SPORTSKIND will provide all field equipment, including footballs and flags. Each team is entitled to use their own football.
Each team is allowed 2 (one-minute) timeouts in the game.  About two minutes before the game ends the referee will inform each team of playing time remaining in that half. If a touchdown has occurred after time has expired, the extra point conversion will be allowed. A game cannot end on a defensive penalty.
The ball starts on the 30 yard line. Only one offensive player may be  “in motion”, be moving as the ball is snapped. The man in motion can move laterally or backwards at the snap but not forward. Except a man “in motion,” all players must be set before the ball is snapped.  Aside from the Center position, there is no minimum number of players required to line up on the line of scrimmage. After a play, the line of scrimmage is determined by the location of the players hips when the flags are pulled. If flags fall off a receiver before the flags are pulled, the ball is dead where the receiver catches the pass. If anything falls off a player (ie: hat, playsheet, gloves, etc), it is marked as if the player’s flag has been pulled.
Each round consists of a two-possession series with each team getting one possession on offense and one on defense. The team on offense will always start at the designated 30-yard line (unless relocated by a penalty). The team on offense will have 4 downs to gain a first down by crossing the 20 yard line. Then they will have 4 downs to score a touchdown.  If a team fails to earn a first down or score a touchdown (completed pass or rushing past the designated line) in the required amount of plays, possession will go to the opposing team who will reset at the 30 yard line on offense. Teams will complete as many rounds as time allows, keeping the same order of offense first or defense first depending on what the winning captain chose at the start of the game.  With each change of possession there will be a 30 second reset.  Teams will have an equal number of attempts on offense at the end of the game (depending on final score when time is complete).
“Blocking” with hands is not allowed. This includes downfield “blocking” during an offensive play. NO CONTACT is allowed at the line or downfield by any defensive player guarding a receiver. Players may block with their hands behind their back at the line of scrimmage, but may not do so 5 yards passed the line. Once a defender gets past a blocker, the blocker becomes an eligible receiver.
All defensive players must play a yard off the line of scrimmage and can rush once the ball is hiked to the quarterback.
A forward pass is completed when caught by any player of the passing team who has at least one foot in-bounds. If opposing teams catch the pass in-bounds simultaneously, the tie goes to the offense. If a player steps out-of-bounds and comes back in-bounds to be the first person to touch the ball, it will be ruled an incomplete pass. However, if a player steps out of bounds, they will be eligible to catch a deflected ball. After the immediate completion of a play, the referee will place a marker at the line of scrimmage. The offense has 25 seconds to put the ball in play after it is declared ready by the head judge (ie, when the marker is placed). No player shall put the ball in play until declared ready-for-play. A change of possession can only occur due to downs or an interception. A fumble where the ball hits the ground cannot result in a turnover (the ball is dead at the spot of the fumble) unless it is fourth down and the fumble occurs before gaining a first down.. A lateral caught by the defense will result in a turnover. On a change of possession, the ball will be reset at the 35 yard line for the opposing team to take over on offense.
Touchdowns are six points. After scoring a touchdown, teams may elect to go for either one, two, or three extra points: 1 point – attempted from the 3 yard-line 2 points – attempted from the 10 yard-line 3 points – attempted from the 20 yard-line Converted extra point attempts are worth the same regardless of whether they are converted via run or pass. An intercepted extra point will result in a change of possession.
Penalties committed by the offense result in loss of down. Moving penalties can be accepted or declined by the defense. If declined, the play stands as ruled. If accepted, the penalty is yardage and the down is re-played. Penalties committed by the defense vary by infraction:
OVERTIME RULES (Elimination games only)
In elimination games, rock/paper/scissors is played by the captains with the winning team deciding on first or second possession. Teams will attempt to score in the same end zone. Each team will then have four downs to score from the 20 yard line. If a team scores, they will have the opportunity to go for one, two, or three extra points.  If a tie occurs after the first round, then teams will repeat using the same format. However, the team that defended first is now on offense first. If a third round is needed, then the teams must go for two or three extra points. The game will be decided when one team scores more points in the round. No first downs will be awarded except in the case of a penalty.
We enforce a “Zero Tolerance Policy” in regards to behavior of players, captains, and fans. Taunting, trash talking, or abusive language will not be tolerated.  Referees and tournament staff will have the right to reprimand or eject players, managers, or fans depending on the severity of the situation. Abusive behavior toward the referee will not be tolerated. In extreme cases, the player will be asked to leave the premises without refund. The severity of the punishment will be based on the discretion of the referee and tournament staff. Only captains of the respective teams are allowed to approach the referee with questions or concerns in a respective manner. Teams charging the field of play to question or complain a call will be subject to automatic forfeit for that game. Alcohol and smoking is not allowed on playing fields. Any rules not covered or protests will be handled by the Referee. Flag Football is played in the rain if at all possible unless the Referee or Facility Representative decide it is necessary to postpone due to dangerous field conditions or lightning.  If lightning occurs, all attempts will be made to resume play 30 minutes after the last lightning flash is viewed and the official deems it safe to resume play. The games will resume as scheduled if at all possible, or shortened if necessary.. FIGHTING WILL NOT BE TOLERATED.  ANY INSTANCES OF FIGHTING MAY RESULT IN A TEAM FORFEIT OF THE TOURNAMENT WITHOUT REFUND AND POSSIBLE EXPULSIONS FROM FUTURE LEAGUES AND TOURNAMENTS. ALL DECISIONS OF THE TOURNAMENT STAFF ARE FINAL.  THE TOURNAMENT STAFF SHALL ALSO HAVE THE FINAL AUTHORITY TO MAKE ADJUSTMENTS TO THE GAME SCHEDULES, GAME DURATION, AND OTHER ASPECTS OF THE RULES OR OF THE TOURNAMENT.
All teams will compete in the regular season and top teams advance to the playoffs.  The number of playoff teams will be determined by the total number of teams in the league. If there is a tie in the standings, the head-to-head match up will determine seeding.  If there is no clear head-to-head winner, the points scored differential will determine seeding.
  • Flag football is a 5 v 5 non-contact tournament. All players must have SPORTSKIND-provided shirts as their uniforms and will wear the provided flags around their waists. The intended format is 3 Male and 2 Female players.
  • Games consist of two 12-minute halves, with one three-minute half-time. There will be a running clock maintained by the referee except for the last two minutes of the second half unless one team is ahead by 23 points or more, in which case time will continue to run with no stoppages aside from a trailing-team’s timeout.
  • If the game is within 18 points during the final two minutes of the second half, the clock is stopped for an incomplete pass, if a player goes out of bounds before having their flag pulled, if either team scores (the clock starts when the opposing team snaps the ball, after the PAT attempt), for a change of possession, if a penalty must be marked off, or if a team calls time out. The clock does not stop on first downs or for a completed pass in bounds. If a team is down by 19 points but scores after the two-minute mark in the second half, the clock then stops.
  • The game field will be marked off to measure 20 yards wide by 35 yards long plus a 10-yard end zone.
  • The ball will be spotted for downs where the hips of the player is located once their flag is pulled.
The referee will have the two captains play rock, paper, scissors. The winning captain will have the first choice of which half they want the ball.
All players must wear their team’s SPORTSKIND league shirt. 1 point will be given to the opposing team for each player not in uniform upon checking into the game (Exception: If a player is on the official roster and shirt was ripped during the league and a replacement shirt hasn’t been purchased and delivered. Teams are responsible for the replacement of ripped or torn shirts within a week of a ripped or torn shirt). PLAYERS MAY NOT WEAR SHORTS WITH POCKETS, or jewelry of any kind. Players may not alter the SPORTSKIND provided flags. SPORTSKIND will provide all field equipment, including footballs and flags. Each team is entitled to use their own football.
  • In order for an official game with league referees, there must be at least 4 players on the field. However, a minimum of three players from the team's roster must be present to field a team. Any teams short of this number may look to utilize our substitution rules listed below but if the team is still without at least 4 players 10 minutes after the scheduled game time, the game will be an official forfeit and the forfeit policy will take effect.
  • If teams are short players they may pick up players from other teams within the league.  They are allowed to pick up enough players to field a 5 person team.  However, any players after 5 must be approved by the opposing team.  If a team member arrives late a substitute player must drop off to stay at the 5-player team size unless approved by the opposing team.
  • Each team is allowed 1 (one-minute) timeout in the first half and the second half.  If not used, the 1 timeout in the first half does not carry over. About two minutes before each half ends the referee will inform each team of the playing time remaining in that half. If a touchdown has occurred after time has expired, the extra point conversion will be allowed. A half cannot end on a defensive penalty.
  • No timeouts can be called by a leading team if they are ahead by 23 or more. Time will only be stopped during the first 38 minutes for called timeouts and serious injuries. If an injury occurs, that player must leave the game for one scrimmage down.
  • The ball will be placed on the 30-yard line at the beginning of each half, as well as following touchdowns, interceptions, turnovers on downs, and safeties (unless moved by penalty).
  • The team in possession of the ball has three (3) downs to score or advance passed the line to gain (the 15-yard line)
  • When the ball becomes dead, the spot of the ball is directly under the position of the ball (the foremost point of the ball).
  • Only one offensive player may be  “in motion”, and be moving as the ball is snapped. The player in motion can move laterally or backward at the snap but not forward. All other players must be set before the ball is snapped.  Aside from the Center position, there is no minimum number of players required to line up on the line of scrimmage. After a play, the line of scrimmage is determined by the location of the ball when the flags are pulled. If flags fall off a receiver before the flags are pulled, the ball is dead where the receiver catches the pass. If anything falls off a player (ie: hat, playsheet, gloves, etc), it is marked as if the player’s flag has been pulled.
  • A forward pass is completed when caught by any player of the passing team who has at least one foot in bounds. If opposing teams catch the pass in bounds simultaneously, the tie goes to the offense. If a player steps out of bounds and comes back in bounds to be the first person to touch the ball, it will be ruled an incomplete pass. However, if a player steps out of bounds, they will be eligible to catch a deflected ball.
  • After the immediate completion of a play, the referee will place a marker at the line of scrimmage. The offense has 25 seconds to put the ball in play after it is declared ready by the head judge (ie, when the marker is placed). No player shall put the ball in play until declared ready for play.
  • A change of possession can only occur due to downs, a punt, or an interception. A fumble where the ball hits the ground cannot result in a turnover (the ball is dead at the spot of the fumble). A lateral caught by the defense will result in a turnover.
  • On a change of possession, the offense must allow the defense to get set for 15 seconds after the marker has been placed before the offense can snap the ball.
  • During the offensive team's possession, there may not be more than two (2) consecutive legal forward pass completions on downs Male to Male. 
  • The term CLOSED means a male player may not complete a legal forward pass to a male.
  • The term OPEN means any player can complete a pass to any other player.
  • Accepted penalties do not affect open and closed plays. It is possible to lose net yardage on a closed play; for the next play to be open all of the requirements to open a play must be met. Positive yards gained are GROSS yards gained, not NET yards gained after the penalty has been enforced.
  • Rushing plays do not affect open and closed plays.
  • If a male player is the quarterback only one defensive player can guard them.
  • All other male defensive AND offensive players must remain stationary on the LOS lined up across from one another with their arms down.
  • A male player can guard a female but must use a 3-yard cushion and reasonable catching opportunity. A male defensive player cannot deny a pass to a female player or make contact with them while guarding.
  • A male player can not move or touch a forward pass until after it has been touched by a female offensive player. 
  • Interceptions by a male player are only possible off of the hands of a female offensive player. 
  • If a female player is the quarterback all players can participate as if the play was open. 
  • No male player is allowed to rush the female quarterback. 
  • The offensive team must declare who will be receiving the snap. 
  • If the quarterback takes a knee or spikes the ball the play remains CLOSED.
  • If a Male quarterback is sacked or a fumble occurs the play will remain CLOSED.
  • If a female quarterback is sacked or a fumble occurs the next down will be OPEN. 
  • To move on to OPEN play the following must occur: 
    • A female receiver was the intended target of a fwd pass.
    • A female player was the intended target for a backward pass.
    • A female quarterback attempts a fwd or backward pass. 
    • A female quarterback is rushed and attempts to run the ball. 
  • The play remains CLOSED for the following: 
    • A female center snaps to a male.
    • A female quarterback hands off to a male running back.
    • The quarterback intentionally grounds a pass. 
  • Illegal plays during a CLOSED play include
    • A male quarterback advances across the line of scrimmage.
    • A male defensive player is in motion before the fwd pass. 
    • A male player receives a lateral pass behind the line of scrimmages and tries to throw it for positive yards. 
    • A male quarterback tries to create an intentional interception. 
Three female defensive players and two offensive female players
  • All three defensive players can guard the two offensive players. 
Three or two female defensive players and three or four offensive female players
  • Male defensive players guarding female players must allow a 3-yard cushion to offer an opportunity for a completed pass. 
Four or more defensive female players against three or two offensive female players
  • Any additional female defensive players above three must line up with a male offensive player and remain stationary with her arms down. 
Touchdowns are six points. After scoring a touchdown, teams may elect to go for either one, two, or three extra points:
  • 1 point – attempted from the 3 yard-line
  • 2 points – attempted from the 10 yard-line
  • 3 points – attempted from the 20 yard-line
Converted extra point attempts are worth the same regardless of whether they are converted via run or pass.
Blocking is not allowed in this league. QB can not scramble beyond the LOS.
All defensive players must play at least one yard off the line of scrimmage.
  • A rushing player must start 7 yards back from the line of scrimmage.
  • If a female is lined up at QB then only a female defensive player may rush.
  • If a male is lined up at QB then either a male or female defensive player may rush.
  • Rusher must self-proclaim (there can only be one).
  • Rusher can not line up with the center.
Penalties committed by the offense result in a loss of down. Penalties committed by the defense vary by infraction:
In the Playoffs, rock/paper/scissors are played by the captains with the winning team deciding on the first or second possession. Teams will attempt to score in the same end zone. Each team will then have three downs to score from the 15-yard line. If a team scores, they will have the opportunity to go for one, two, or three extra points.  If a tie occurs after the first round, then teams will repeat using the same format. However, the team that defended first is now on offense first. If a third round is needed, then the teams must go for two or three extra points. The game will be decided when one team scores more points in the round. No first downs will be awarded except in the case of a penalty.
  • We enforce a “Zero Tolerance Policy” in regard to the behavior of players, captains, and fans. Taunting, trash-talking, or abusive language will not be tolerated.  Referees and league staff will have the right to reprimand or eject players, managers, or fans depending on the severity of the situation. Abusive behavior toward the referee will not be tolerated. An ejection carries a two-game suspension (including the current game). In extreme cases, the player will be asked to leave the premises without a refund. The severity of the punishment will be based on the discretion of the referee and league staff.
  • Only captains of respective teams are allowed to approach the referee with questions or concerns in a respective manner. Teams charging the field of play to question or complain a call will be subject to an automatic forfeit for that game.
  • Alcohol and smoking are not allowed on playing fields.
  • Any rules not covered or protests will be handled by the Referee.
  • There will be no refunds allowed for rain delays or cancellations.  If the league is postponed due to weather, we will reschedule to a later date.  There will be no refunds if you are not able to furnish a team on the makeup date.
  • Flag Football is played in the rain if at all possible unless the Referee or Facility Representative decide it is necessary to postpone due to dangerous field conditions or lightning.  If lightning occurs, all attempts will be made to resume play 30 minutes after the last lightning flash is viewed and the umpire deems it safe to resume play. The games will resume as scheduled if at all possible, or shortened if necessary..

How it Works

There are 3 ways to register for our leagues, tournaments or events:

Sign up your full team and invite teammates to join your roster through your SPORTSKIND account. A minimum deposit reserves your spot.


Your Captain registers a team and invites you to join. Follow the invitation link to complete your registration.


Join as an individual to be placed on a team with other Free Agents. If you are in a small group, you can list your friends’ names during registration and we’ll try to place you on the same team. We make sure our Free Agent teams are filled so you can get playing right away.